Build strength and consistency with an exercise program you enjoy.
Mosso Fitness Online Strength Training Membership:
A 12-month program to
build strength, enhance
your quality of life, and
embrace fitness without
diet talk.
Eliminate the guesswork from your exercise routine and feel more confident in your form,
so you can enjoy the process.

Does this sound familiar?
▶︎ Maybe you tried working out on your own, but you’re uncertain if you’re “doing enough” and that prevents you from enjoying the experience.
▶︎ You feel nervous about injuring yourself and you don’t have time to go down the rabbit hole of the internet and find out what “good form” is, so you may not partake in exercise even though you want to.
▶︎ You feel discouraged with the fitness industry being tied to the diet industry, and just want to find a credible program to follow that doesn’t focus on the scale but rather strength gains.
I want you to know it is possible to:
▶︎ Follow this program with no guesswork on your end, and feel confident knowing you’re doing enough.
▶︎ Feel consistent because your barrier to begin your workout is lowered - open up the app and follow the program.
▶︎ Learn what ideal form feels like for you, in your own body.
▶︎ Know the intention behind your training to make it more enjoyable.
Your possibilities lay here, introducing…
Mosso Fitness Online
Strength Training Membership
A hypertrophy & strength training program (at-home & gym version) focused on you feeling stronger, so you can enjoy your workouts and feel the results in your everyday life and/or performance goals.
Take part in a strength training program and community that doesn’t focus on shaming you into fitness - no progress pics, no scale check-ins, no diet-talk.
Instead, feel consistent with a workout program that has expert guidance and helps you celebrate your body gaining strength.
Let the mental, physical and emotional gains begin
Meet your coach:
Allison Mosso M.S.
Ello, Allison here -
an exercise nerd with my Master’s of Science in Kinesiology, 14 years of experience as a in-person trainer coaching folks of all different body sizes and ages, and certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine.
After 14 years of working with clients in-person, I wanted to develop an Online Strength Training Membership that gave clients an opportunity to feel more confident in their workouts so they can enjoy the process of gaining strength in a diet-free program.
And if you’re like me, you want to gain strength so you can improve your quality of life and say YES to experiences (saying “YES” to that hiking adventure because you feel strong).
I cannot wait to coach you through this program.
For my logistical lovers, take a look at what’s included in your membership:
Access to TrueCoach, a free online training mobile app, where your workouts are pre-loaded on a monthly basis.
In TrueCoach you’ll be able to track your progress - what weights you use, any notes you want to add, and check-off the workouts you complete.
You will receive two 45-60 minute strength workouts per week with an optional third workout. You can choose the at-home program or in-gym program.
Access to Circle, a free community platform that is also a mobile app, in which you’ll have the opportunity to receive coaching from me & connect with others in the program.
In this community platform you can ask questions about the program, upload videos for form feedback, and celebrate the small and mighty wins along the way!
Each 45-60 minute workout includes mobility within the warm-up, a focus on hypertrophy & strength for your main lifts & accessory movements, with a cool-down involving stretching.
All programs include assigned sets, reps, load effort % (suggestion of weight to use), and rest periods. All you have to do is show up.

Here is what happens, right when you sign up:
The moment you sign up, you’ll receive a “Welcome Email” going over details on how to prepare & what equipment is needed (for home program check FAQ).
Within 48 hours of sign-up, you’ll be invited to TrueCoach & Circle to create your profile.
The workouts officially kick-off the week of Monday, February 3rd - programs will be uploaded 24 hours before that Monday. You’ll receive an email going over the intentions behind each phase of the program & any other details you need to know.
This is a 12 month program in which you sign-up for 3 months at a time.
1:1 Online Training Clients who are glad they took the leap:
Gain Strength. Build confidence. Learn proper form. And enjoy yourself in the journey.
1:1 coaching is a higher investment ($185/month) for six months total, therefore my 1:1 clients receive a customized program with weekly check-ins and higher-level accountability & feedback.
Any fitness level can join 1:1 coaching, while the membership is not suited for complete beginners.This membership is a templated program (everyone is doing the same workouts) built with intention - it is designed to help you progress your strength over a 12 month span, with a 3 month at a time commitment.
This membership is great for those who may not want to or be able to hire a 1:1 coach and therefore you want a lower-cost option while still receiving a credible strength progressive program with coaching check-points.
You will always have access to the online Circle community platform (free mobile app for you) to ask questions, submit videos for form feedback, and connect with others (optional).
I will be responding 1x/week in the Circle app answering questions and giving feedback. Please note, the feedback will not be to the level of 1:1 coaching (ex: I cannot customize your programming) but will help you gain clarity and direction.
You’ll receive two workouts per week, each lasting 45-60 minutes. The optional third workout will be anywhere between 20-45 minutes.
AND, based on feedback I’ve received, there may be an optional “tier” of membership where workouts are 30 minutes, 3-4x/week. If this is of interest to you, sign-up on the waitlist and let me know in the survey you receive.
The cost is TBD - right now the Beta round is being ran (Beta round launched January 2025) - after feedback is given during the Beta round, the cost for Spring 2025 will be finalized and the waitlist will be notified prior to launch.
You will receive an invite to TrueCoach (training app) and Circle (community app) within 48 hours* of signing up.
*if you sign-up on a Friday, expect these invites no later than Sunday evening
The program will be delivered the Sunday before the start date (start dates fall on a Monday, the Spring 2025 one will be announced to the waitlist)
At this time, this membership is not for complete beginners.
I recommend 1:1 Online Strength Training if you are a complete beginner.
In this membership, it is ideal to have some strength training experience in the past 2-3 years. You can contact me if you have questions.
No, I want to make this clear this is not a program that has you weigh-in or measure your weight. I do not guarantee what your weight will be.
There is no shame in wanting to lose weight or having the desire to, but you're prioritizing your mental & physical well-being over weight-loss in this membership.
Studies have shown that having goals beyond weight-loss usually sustains behaviors (like working out) for longer-term, yahoo!
You would be what I call a “human” if you don’t complete all your workouts ;)
I won’t ever expect you to complete 100% of your workouts - life happens.
I would expect around 70-75% adherence - doesn’t that sound more realistic :)
You can either pick-up where you left off (past workouts will be available for you to view in TrueCoach) or start-up where the program currently is.
Please note, once you sign-up you’ll receive all this info in an email.
You will need two sets of dumbells - one light/moderate, and one heavy.
If you can, it would be ideal to have this set-up:
one light set (5-10 lbs), one medium set (10-20lbs), and one (singular) heavy dumbbell or kettlebell (20-40lbs).You will also need at least one looped resistance band (light to medium resistance).
And lastly, an exercise mat.
You can email me or contact me in the Circle and I can easily switch you over for the next cycle.
Example, let’s say you start off your Cycle 1 (first 4-5 weeks) at home, mid-way through if you want to switch to in-gym, you’ll then start your next cycle in-gym (Cycle 2) -
Due to the sensitive online nature of this program, refunds are not given at this time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mosso Nutrition and Fitness.
The commitment is 3 months at a time .
30 days prior to the 3rd month of each phase, you’ll receive an email asking if you want to continue another 3 months or cancel once the phase is done.
The launching date and closing date will be announced to the waitlist in the Spring. Make sure you’re on the waitlist to be notified!